You’ve tried to figure this all out on your own, but you just can't quite put all the pieces together. You think to yourself, I've never photographed a wedding before, how am I supposed to...

... gain experience and develop a portfolio when you have little to know experience with weddings?

... know how to conduct family formals and pose both the bride and groom and the bridal party?

... know how much time to allot for each section of the day

... what to put in a legal contract to ensure you are protecting both you and your client when photographing their wedding day?

you've always wanted to be a wedding photographer but you're terrified you will miss key moments of the day!

  • Learn EVERYTHING you need to know about starting and growing a wedding photography business. 
  • Feel confident arriving to a wedding with knowledge of lighting and posing. 
  • Become a lucrative, sought-after wedding photographer. 

Wedding Photography is the ultimate strategy for expanding your photography enterprise, boosting sales, and enjoying a wealth of exhilarating experiences.


I always say that it doesn't matter what camera gear you have or how expensive it is. What matters is that you fully understand the equipment that you have, especially the manual mode settings on your camera. 

Camera & Lighting Gear


Client communication can make or break your photography business. This module will walk you through client experience, email templates, what needs to be in a contract and how to follow through on booking your ideal client. 

Client Communication


Arriving at an unknown wedding location unsure of what you will be dealt with lighting wise can be a bit nerve wrecking. After going through this module, you won't ever have to worry again. I will show you how to find the best light and what to look for.

All Things Lighting


The location that you choose to photograph the majority of your images on a wedding day is equally as important as finding the perfect light. To be honest, they go hand in hand. In this module, I will teach you how to use the same location for ample variety so when you find a great spot, with great lighting, you never have to leave it. 

Location, Location, Location


Time and time again, I hear my students tell me how stressful it is to pose their clients. Posing doesn't have to be stiff and awkward, instead I will teach you my posing workflow to ensure your clients feel comfortable and at ease during your time together. 

Posing Your Clients


If you don't have a post processing workflow to help you stay organized and efficient, you could get yourself into a real pickle. After completing this module, you will start to love culling and editing your images without looking at it as a daunting job. 

Post Processing


What's the point in having a killer business if no one knows about it? After completing this module, you will know how to find your ideal client, how to start a blog, have a social media strategy, and understand why it's so important to stay consistent. 


What's included?

join now!

Why wait? Enroll today and start your journey to becoming a lucrative Wedding Photographer!

  • Have the confidence to photograph a wedding 
  • Feel comfortable charging your worth
  • Know where to take photos based on lighting
  • Understand what moments require capturing
  • Photograph the family formal photos in 30 minutes or less
  • Blaze through the couple photos because you have a great posing workflow
  • Not stress about the wedding day timeline
  • Fully understand what needs to be in a day of wedding contract

Picture how it will feel to finally...

That’s why  I  created  this easy-to-follow, step-by-step  program -

I hear you.

there can be A lot of questions and uncertainty when considering such an investment. 

Is this course for me? I'm just a beginner, with no wedding experience.

How many other wedding photography courses will I have to invest in?

How much time will this take me? 

You might be asking yourself questions like...

This sounds like a dream, but you might be wondering if this will actually work for you?

join now! 

after completing my program, you will have everything you need to book and photograph your first ten weddings.
not only will you book your first ten weddings, you will feel confident
in charging your worth!

The Wedding Photographer Formula


• You just booked your first 10 weddings for the upcoming summer at a price of $2000/wedding. 

• You feel confident in your abilities because you've implemented my strategy and workflow. 

• You don't hesitate or get nervous arriving to a photo session because you understand posing and how to make your subjects feel comfortable. 

• You're making extra income allowing you to do things you love that you wouldn't have been able to do without booking weddings. 

• You feel a sense of accomplishment because you didn't think you could ever branch into the wedding industry and feel confident doing so.

Life after coaching...

• You want to start shooting weddings but you have no experience with photographing them.  

• You feel overwhelmed by the amount of time and energy that goes into a wedding day. 

• You have no extra money to be able to do the fun things you've always dreamed of. 

• You're stuck in analysis paralysis, wondering what you would have to do in order to become a wedding photographer. 

• You are terrified to think that you are solely responsible for capturing all of the key moments at the wedding with no do-overs. . 

Your life now...

join now!

everything you need to become a confident, highly sought after wedding photographer!  Includes a recorded behind the scenes wedding day photographed by me, A CORRESPONDING WORKBOOK, email templates, a wedding day contract and my very own basic preset that i use on every photo i take!

Enroll today, and finally become the Wedding Photographer you've always dreamed of

The course will be taught over 8-10 weeks. One module and additional Q&A group coaching session per week. 

To implement everything I teach you, you could potentially do it in 8-10 weeks. The amount of information given will be something you want to come back to each year to refresh your memory and skills. 

The only other photography course that I think you may need is a very specific business course that applies to the area you live in. 


And you'll never miss a beat: you can go at your own pace and do the lessons on your own schedule.


You can complete the course lessons from the comfort of your couch, kitchen table, favorite cafe, or even the park - as long as you have an Internet connection!

You can do the course from home, from anywhere in the world.

• You still use your camera on the automatic mode.

• You want to continue to work on your photography skills before diving into weddings.

• You want someone else to do the work and you can just show up.

• You are content with where you are financially. 

You’re not ready if:

• You are confident with the manual mode settings on your camera.

• You are ready to commit to the journey of becoming a highly sought after wedding photographer. 

• You are a motivated, hard working individual prepared to put in the time to make this dream come true.

• You want to make $30k-$50k in additional income next year.

You’re ready for this if:

You're ready to take control of your life and make your dreams happen.

You've always been drawn to wedding photography but was never sure how to branch into the wedding industry and now, you have the solution!

You've been stuck making an alright wage at your full-time job but want to be able to give yourself and your family more by becoming a wedding photographer. You will make enough extra income to be able to give your family the experiences you wished you had.

Now let's get back to the heart of why you're really here...

Join other photographers like you who decided it was finally time to follow their dreams!

Imagine what it will be like to finally gain the experience and confidence you need to pursue your dream of becoming a wedding photographer.

You could invest in this coaching program and finally branch into the wedding industry with more knowledge and confidence than most others just starting out. 


You could keep doing what you're already doing, living a mediocre life, dreaming about what life could really be like as a highly sought after wedding photographer

You have a choice...

Say's who?! 

I'm not good enough

Do you think every successful business owner waited for the right time to start their business? No.
So although you may feel that it's not the right time, there is never going to be a perfect time.

The time is now. 


Are you looking for cheap? Or are you looking for results? If your answer is results, then I'm with you!

After completing and implementing my framework, you will be able to charge at minimum $2000/wedding, even if it's your first ever wedding. 

it's a large investment

You can do this (I promise!) ...even if you’re thinking…

In order to get the most out of this course, you are going to want to be able to shoot in manual mode and understand how to get a proper exposure using aperture, shutter speed and ISO. If you don't feel that you are ready yet, then please take a look at my beginner's course that will help you gain confidence in the aspects mentioned above. 

To get the most out of this course, you will want to have access to Adobe Lightroom. The cheapest way to gain access is to subscribe to the monthly subscription which also gives you Photoshop. 

The other software that will be mentioned in the program aren't necessary but helpful. 

You will be given access to the course as soon as you purchase. You will receive an email with your user name and password and can login right away. 

You will be given LIFETIME access to the program so that you can go back each year and review. 

When information is updated or added, you will automatically be given access.

At this time, I am unsure if and when this course will be offered again. 

It can be 100% refunded within 7 days of your purchase. However, we are confident that "The Wedding Photographer Formula" will greatly benefit your wedding photography business. That being said, I want you to be able to join risk-free and take a peak around at what you will be getting out of the program. Then, if you're not completely satisfied with the program within 7 days of your purchase, we will gladly refund your investment.

Sesame snaps apple pie icing candy pastry wafer chupa chups. Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups jelly beans macaroon. Bear claw sugar plum fruitcake cake. Cake biscuit chocolate cake. Sweet cake danish lollipop danish. Halvah chocolate cake jelly muffin. Soufflé jujubes tiramisu danish.  Sesame snaps apple pie icing candy pastry wafer chupa chups. Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups jelly beans macaroon. Bear claw sugar plum fruitcake cake. Cake biscuit chocolate cake. Sweet cake danish lollipop danish. Halvah chocolate cake jelly muffin. Soufflé jujubes tiramisu danish.

Sesame snaps apple pie icing candy pastry wafer chupa chups. Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups jelly beans macaroon. Bear claw sugar plum fruitcake cake. Cake biscuit chocolate cake. Sweet cake danish lollipop danish. Halvah chocolate cake jelly muffin. Soufflé jujubes tiramisu danish.  Sesame snaps apple pie icing candy pastry wafer chupa chups. Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups jelly beans macaroon. Bear claw sugar plum fruitcake cake. Cake biscuit chocolate cake. Sweet cake danish lollipop danish. Halvah chocolate cake jelly muffin. Soufflé jujubes tiramisu danish.

Sesame snaps apple pie icing candy pastry wafer chupa chups. Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups jelly beans macaroon. Bear claw sugar plum fruitcake cake. Cake biscuit chocolate cake. Sweet cake danish lollipop danish. Halvah chocolate cake jelly muffin. Soufflé jujubes tiramisu danish.  Sesame snaps apple pie icing candy pastry wafer chupa chups. Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups jelly beans macaroon. Bear claw sugar plum fruitcake cake. Cake biscuit chocolate cake. Sweet cake danish lollipop danish. Halvah chocolate cake jelly muffin. Soufflé jujubes tiramisu danish.


Nicole is a wife and mother of three children. She works full-time as a Radiation Therapist treating cancer patients who require radiation for their treatment plan. 

In 2013, she purchased her first camera to take with her while she traveled through Africa and Europe. When she got back from her travels, she decided to finally learn how to properly use her camera. After that, she started taking photos for friends and family which eventually led to photographing weddings. 

She has spent tens of thousands of dollars on photography education from some of the top photographers in the world such as: Jasmine Star, Susan Stripling, Katelyn James, Two Mann Studios, Applehead Studios, Zach & Jody Gray, and many more!

She is so passionate about helping aspiring photographers become lucrative wedding photographers using her program because she remembers back when she was first starting out, trying to find education for all the different aspects of wedding photography. This is why she combined everything you need to know about being a wedding photographer into ONE program! 

Almost a decade of photographing weddings...

About Nicole

Enroll now!

If you want to start booking weddings and become the lucrative wedding photographer you've always meant to be!

Enroll today!